Security Service Policy

Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1 (Objective)
The purpose of the terms is to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the Company and a user in relation to use of the security services provided by XLGAMES, Inc. (hereinafter 'Company')
Article 2 (Publication and Amendment of Terms)
1) These terms and conditions are notified to users by posting them on the initial page of the security service or providing a loading page.
2) The Company may amend the terms to the extent that they are not violating applicable laws and regulations.
3) In case of amendment of these terms, the effective date and the reasons for amendment shall be specified and notified on the official website 7 (seven) days before the effective date for a specific period on the initial page of the global service website or the official game website. However, a user shall be notified 30 (thirty) days before the effective date in case the terms are amended to have a significant or disadvantageous impact on a user, and the existing users will be notified via email.
4) Users who disagree with the application of the amended Terms and Conditions of Security Services, they have the right to withdraw(terminate) their use of security services. However, the amended terms shall be deemed to have been agreed upon in case the users maintain their use of service since the effective date of amended Terms and Conditions of Security Services.
Article 3 (Rules Other Than the Terms and Conditions)
Any matters unspecified in the terms shall be governed by the other terms of the Company and relevant laws and regulations.
Article 4 (Definition of Terms)
1) The definitions of terms used in Terms of Service are as follows:
01. “Security Service” refers to the security system provided by XLGAMES Global Services, such as OTP service (defined below).
02. One Time Password service (hereinafter “OTP”) is a two-factor password security system which provides you a one-time password each time you login to the game of the Company or specific web services using a separate security program installed in your mobile phone that you actually use (hereinafter “OTP program”).
03. Security service user (hereinafter “user”) means a customer who agrees to the security service terms and conditions provided by the Company and has completed the application of use and the verification process set by the Company.
04. Authentication number means a specific one-time-only number that is newly created at every authentication attempt according to the security service method.
05. Information required to sign up for security service means information that is essential to sign up for security service, such as a mobile phone number that you actually use.
06. "Webpage" refers to the XLGAMES global service webpage (hereinafter “Service page”) and the game webpage.
2) Definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions shall be governed by related laws and other general commercial practices, except as provided in Paragraph 1.
Chapter 2. Security Service Use Agreement
Article 5 (Use Agreement)
The Security Service Use Agreement is concluded when the users sign up at the Service page, agree to the Terms and Conditions of Security Services additionally, apply for the use of security service, and the Company approves it.
Article 6 (Application, Change and Termination of Use)
1) The user applies for the use by filling out the required information in accordance with the prescribed form and procedure set by the Company. However, the application for use must be made through the mobile phone that the user is actually using.
2) Users may apply for change or termination of security services in the following cases. 01. In case of losing or changing the mobile phone in use
02. In case of deleting the OTP program installed in the mobile phone
03. Any other cases such as users willing to change or terminate the security services.
3) If the user attempts to change or terminate the security service due to the reasons falling under each of the subparagraphs of Article 6, Paragraph 2, the change and termination procedures are implemented according to the method separately set by the Company, and this method will be announced via the security service page.
4) In order to prevent abuse and/or illegal use of security services, there may be certain restrictions on the number of changes and terminations as announced on the website.
5) When the users cannot change or terminate the security service in accordance with the method separately set by the Company by themselves, and wish to proceed the procedure through the Customer Support operated by the Company, it may take a considerable amount of time and access to the service may be delayed accordingly. The user cannot make any claim against the Company for reasons such as delay in access to the service, which is caused by the user’s failure to follow the procedures set by the Company.
6) When the users apply for change and/or termination of the security service, the Company may request or proceed with the identity verification process.
Article 7 (Approval of Use Application)
1) When the user completed the application of use and the verification process by submitting the required information according to the process set by the Company, the Company approves the application unless there is a considerable reason.
2) The Company may not approve the application for use that falls under any of the following subparagraphs, or cancel or terminate the contract upon further confirmation. 01. In case of failing the security authentication in the method specified by the Company
02. In case of omissions of the main contents of the registration information or false applies
03. Any other cases such as users’ attributable reasons that makes the approval of the Company difficult.
3) The Company may suspend the approval or discontinue the security service until the cause is resolved in any of the following subparagraphs. 01. In case of failing to provide satisfactory service due to insufficient facilities
02. In case of technical difficulties in providing security services
03. In case of security service errors
4) The Company is not responsible for any problems that occur when the users do not use the authentication devices (mobile phones) information that they are actually using but use others' personal information that has been hijacked or illegally collected.
Article 8 (Addition of Account, etc.)
1) The user may add an additional account to use the security service as notified by the Company through the website or other channels. In this case, the user must use the registered account and go through a procedure set by the Company to get approved.
2) In order to prevent abuse of security services, there may be certain restrictions on the number of changes or additions in Paragraph 1 as announced on the security service page.
Chapter 3. Duties of Contracting Parties
Article 9 (Obligations of User)
1) Users must actually use the registered authentication devices (mobile phones) information to use the security service, and must not allow a third party to use it.
2) Users must comply with these Terms and Conditions of Security Services and related laws and regulations, and must not conduct any other acts that might cause negative effects on the service.
3) Security services are provided only to users, and users are not permitted to resell or reuse security services to other individuals or organizations without prior approval from the Company.
4) If there is any change in the authentication device (mobile phone) information, the user must update the edited information immediately.
5) Users must not use the security service illegally.
6) Users must not provide false information when applying for security services, and when registered with false information and/or others’ information, the user cannot receive protective measures from the Company.
7) When damages occur to the user due to the violation of the obligations in Paragraphs 1 to 6, the Company shall not be responsible for it.
Article 10 (Obligations of the Company)
1) The Company has an obligation to promptly resolve any security service problems. However, if resolution is delayed for a long time due to unavoidable circumstances, the Company must explain the reason to users.
2) The Company cannot use the personal information of users acquired for the provision of security services for other purposes without prior approval of the user. However, exceptions are made when the Company is obligated to provide personal information in accordance with related laws.
Chapter 4. Use and Suspension of Security Service
Article 11 (Contents of the Security Service)
1) The Company provides OTP service, and the Company may plan and provide more effective and reasonable security services in the future according to the Company's decision.
2) Additional costs (communication charges, data charges, etc.) may be charged to the user during the use of OTP service.
3) The Company notifies the types and contents of security services, methods of service delivery, and information on the minimum technical requirements for use, separately on the security service page.
Article 12 (Duration and Suspension of the Security Service)
1) The Company provides security services continuously during times other than maintenance period in principle.
2) The Company may conduct scheduled or temporary maintenance if necessary for the provision of services, and the maintenance period will be announced through the website in advance.
3) The Company may temporarily suspend the service for operational purposes such as service failure or system improvement.
4) The user may apply for termination of the security service according to a separate notice on the website. However, in order to prevent abuse of security services, the Company may limit the number of terminations for the same account.
Article 13 (Pause/Close of the Security Service)
If there are reasonable technical or operational reasons, the Company shall notify the user via the security service page for a considerable period of time, or via email sent to security service users, and pause or close the provision of a part or all of the security service.
Chapter 5. Compensation for Damage and Exemption
Article 14 (Compensation for Damage)
1) The Company is not responsible for any damages in relation to all problems that occur regarding the security service and the related information or materials (programs, services, game items, characters, other materials, etc.) provided by the Company for free. However, the Company may be responsible for damages caused by the intention or gross negligence of the Company.
2) A user may have to compensate the Company for damages in case he/she damages the Company in violation of the obligations specified in the terms or while using the security service.
Article 15 (Exemption)
1) The completeness, efficiency, and permanence of the service, including the facilities and technology provided for the service of the Company, are not guaranteed.
2) The Company is exempt from any responsibility in case of the failure to provide the service by natural disasters, key telecommunications service providers, or telecommunications service providers. In other words, due to the characteristics of the security service, the Company is not responsible for the security service problem (call service failure of telecommunications service providers, telephone companies, or service development companies, etc.) caused by the failure of the facilities of other companies that support the security service that cannot be regarded as attributable to the Company.
3) Inconvenience in service use (i.e. game service use) caused by failures in security services are not included in the service compensation target (i.e. game service compensation target).
4) When the users cannot change the security service in accordance with the method separately set by the Company by themselves, a separate verification procedure is required, and the Company is not responsible for any service delay caused by this.
5) The responsibility for any damage caused by the user's negligence in managing his/her authentication device (mobile phone) information and authentication number or illegal use of the third party lies with the user, not the Company.
6) The Company is not responsible for the security service interruption or failure in use of the service due to a user's negligence.
7) Users must use the security service with their own account. The Company may request separate confirmation from users at any time to fix errors in the security service. Even if there is a problem in using the security service or other services of the Company by not using the user’s own account or failing or delaying to check the confirmation request, the responsibility lies with the user, not the Company.
8) If the user chooses to use any paid/free security solution provided by a third party, the Company is not involved in, and is not responsible for any problems, damages, or disputes caused or derived from outside of the service area of the Company, such as operation, stability, error, or unexpected pause provided by the third party.
Article 16 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
1) The lawsuit concerning disputes between the Company and a user regarding the security service use shall be filed in the Seoul International Dispute Resolution Center(hereinafter “Seoul IDRC”) located in Seoul, South Korea. The decision will be final and binding on the Parties.
2) Singapore law applies to the lawsuits filed between the Company and a user.
The Security Service Policy is effective from: September 1, 2022.